Apr. 022006

Es war im März 2001. Da hatte ich folgendes Gespräch im Chat von Gnutella:

* BigSpirit1960 (56K) [sharing 116 files] has joined.
[BigSpirit1960] vie gehts?
[1acv10] gut:-)
[BigSpirit1960] meine name ist Lemmy
[BigSpirit1960] (:
[BigSpirit1960] (:-]
[1acv10] wo kommst du her lemmy?
[BigSpirit1960] England
[BigSpirit1960] meine Deutche ist nicht so gut
[1acv10] Nord sued west oder ost?
[BigSpirit1960] Londonner
* Meckschneck (ISDN-56K) [sharing 4 files] has joined.
[1acv10] then write in english, i can read it
[BigSpirit1960] ok mate
* Meckschneck (ISDN-56K) [sharing 4 files] has left.
[BigSpirit1960] you know Motorhead?
* DenebOkab (56K) [sharing 198 files] has joined.
[1acv10] yes, i know its one of the most famous bands of the 70
[BigSpirit1960] well?
[BigSpirit1960] I am Lemmy
[DenebOkab] Schönen guten Morgen
* freack2 (ISDN-56K) [sharing 226 files] has joined.
* ohyes79 (56K) [sharing 49 files] has joined.
[BigSpirit1960] du also
[1acv10] My name is [1acv10] :-))
* freack2 (ISDN-56K) [sharing 226 files] has left.
[BigSpirit1960] I also are involved with Hawkwind
[BigSpirit1960] kennst du Hawkwind?
[1acv10] nope, i dont know hawkind?
* posideEq (DSL) [sharing 363 files] has left.
[BigSpirit1960] well…it’s an offshoot of Motorhead
[BigSpirit1960] Ich bein Lemmy von Motorhead
[BigSpirit1960] lead mouth from the band
[BigSpirit1960] kennen sie mich?
[–t-u-s-s-y–] Kommt hier jemand zufällig aus Osnabrück?
[BigSpirit1960] nein,mein freund,ich bein eine Englander
* Morpheus_@ (Unknown) [sharing 259 files] has joined.
[1acv10] Really, your a motorhead-man?
[BigSpirit1960] I am Motorhead
[BigSpirit1960] I’m Lemmy
[1acv10] Cool, Lemmy from motorhead, your not one of the youngest, aren’t you?
[1acv10] i’m 34
[BigSpirit1960] what?
[1acv10] how old are u
[BigSpirit1960] I’m an old fikin fart man
[–t-u-s-s-y–] Kommt hier jemand zufällig aus Osnabrück?
[BigSpirit1960] old as god
[BigSpirit1960] any other questions?
[BigSpirit1960] you buy Moterhead cd’s?
[1acv10] sorry, i don’t, my best friend owns someone, but i don’t
[BigSpirit1960] well thank him,he provides my income
[1acv10] I’ll tell him tomorrow:-)
[BigSpirit1960] Me’s gots to go and promote our new cd…OK?
[1acv10] A new album? How it’s named?
[BigSpirit1960] you will see……
[1acv10] when will it appear?
[BigSpirit1960] August
[BigSpirit1960] Strobelite..remember it
* BigSpirit1960 (56K) [sharing 116 files] has left

Wahr oder nicht wahr, das ist hier nicht die Frage, amüsant war es auf jeden Fall.

 Posted by at 8:28 pm

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